About us
Stakeholder Involvement:
- Pre-Hospital Provider Organisations
- Hospital Trust Provider Organisations
- Commissioner Organisations
- Patients
- Public
- Major Trauma Networks
- Northern Regional Burns Unit
- Regional Major Trauma Groups
- National Major Trauma Groups
- Emergency Planning Resilience & Response (EPRR)
- Urgent & Emergency Care Networks
- Integrated Care Systems
The South Yorkshire Major Trauma Operational Delivery Network (SYMTODN) coordinates the operational delivery of Adult and Children's Major Trauma services across the South Yorkshire geographical Network patch. The SYMTODN also works collaboratively across a regional footprint, working closely with Major Trauma Operational Delivery Networks across the North East & Yorkshire.
The South Yorkshire Major Trauma Operational Delivery Network (SYMTODN) was established in 2012 to work with and on behalf of its constituent member organisations and stakeholders. The provision of a formal Network Management Team supports the functions of the SYMTODN. The SYMTODN covers the local geographical footprint of Sheffield and South Yorkshire and has common boundaries with the West Yorkshire and North Yorkshire Major Trauma Operational Delivery Networks.
Aim Of The Network
The aim of the SYMTODN is to provide an effective and co-ordinated approach to the provision of high quality care for both adults and children who experience major trauma, aligning same to the major trauma patient pathway across pre-hospital, reception and resuscitation, definitive care, and complex rehabilitation, in line with local, regional and national standards.
The Network will aim to achieve this through the following mechanisms:
- Ensure effective clinical flows through the provider system through clinical collaboration for networked provision of services.
- Take a whole system collaborative provision approach to ensuring the delivery of safe and effective services across the patient pathway, adding value for all its stakeholders.
- Improve cross-organisational multi-professional clinical engagement to improve pathways of care.
- Enable the development of consistent provider guidance and improved service standards, ensuring a consistent patient and family experience.
- Focus on quality and effectiveness through facilitation of comparative benchmarking and auditing of services, through the national clinical audit with implementation of required improvements.
- Fulfil a key role in assuring providers and commissioners of all aspects of quality in addition to coordinating provider resources to secure the best outcomes for patients across wide geographic areas.
- Support capacity planning and activity monitoring with collaborative forecasting of demand, and matching of demand and supply.
Geography and Membership
The South Yorkshire Major Trauma Operational Delivery Network (SYMT ODN) covers approximately 1,500 square km, and serves a total population of 1.6 million, of whom 375,000 are under 16 years of age. With urban populations based in Barnsley, Chesterfield, Doncaster, Bassetlaw, Rotherham, and Sheffield, South Yorkshire is the second most densely populated sub-region in Yorkshire and the Humber. Bordering the Peak District National Park there is also a large rural community with a small number of the population living in remote areas.
South Yorkshire Major Trauma Operational Delivery Network major trauma services are provided via an integrated major trauma system comprising of:
Major Trauma Centres
- Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHSFT
- Sheffield Children’s NHSFT
Trauma Units
- Barnsley Hospital NHSFT
- Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHSFT
- Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals NHSFT
- Rotherham Hospital NHSFT
- Northern Lincolnshire and Goole Hospitals NHSFT (paediatrics)
Ambulance Services
Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust
Yorkshire Ambulance Service covers almost 6,000 square miles of varied terrain, from isolated moors and dales to urban areas, coastline and inner cities. It employs over 5,800 staff and provides 24-hour emergency and healthcare services to a population of more than five million. Over 1,100 volunteers also make a vital contribution to the service.
Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust (YAS) is the region’s provider of emergency, urgent care and non-emergency patient transport services.
Yorkshire Ambulance Service also provide a pre-hospital enhanced service; Yorkshire Critical Care Team (YCCT), which is Consultant led at all times. This service has been in operation since 12 April 2016, and offers a service for 12 hours per day, 365 days of the year.
East Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust
East Midlands Ambulance Service provides emergency 999 care and telephone clinical assessment services for a population of 4.8 million people.
EMBRACE (Yorkshire and the Humber Infant & Children’s Transport Service)
EMBRACE is hosted by Sheffield Children’s Hospital NHSFT, and provides a service for managing ‘time critical’ and ‘non-time critical’ paediatric transfers from Trauma Units to the Major Trauma Centre in Sheffield Children’s Hospital.
Air Ambulance Services
- Yorkshire Air Ambulance
- Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire Air Ambulance
- Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Rutland Air Ambulance
Hospital Providers:
Major Trauma Centres (MTC)
Sheffield Major Trauma Centre (Sheffield Teaching Hospital NHS FT)
Sheffield Children's Major Trauma Centre (Sheffield Children's Hospital NHS FT)
Trauma Units (TUs)
Barnsley Trauma Unit (Barnsley Hospital NHSFT)
Chesterfield Trauma Unit (Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHSFT)
Doncaster Trauma Unit (Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals NHSFT)
Rotherham Trauma Unit (Rotherham Hospital NHSFT)
Scunthorpe & Grimsby Paediatric Trauma Units (North Lincolnshire and Goole Hospitals NHSFT)
Rehabilitation Facilities
The Princess Royal Spinal Injuries and Neuro Rehabilitation Centre, Osborn Building, Northern General Hospital.
Magnolia Lodge, Neurorehabilitation Unit, Tickhill Road Hospital, Doncaster, DN4 8QN.
Kendray Hospital, Doncaster Road, Barnsley, S70 3RD.
Ambulance Services Provision
Yorkshire Ambulance Service (YAS)
East Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS)
Yorkshire Air Ambulance
Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Rutland Air Ambulance
Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire Air Ambulance
EMBRACE (Yorkshire and the Humber Infant & Children’s Transport Service)